What's up with the "Dr. Evil" face?

Just a girl raising a bunch of monkeys and trying to figure it all out...with very little success.
What's up with the "Dr. Evil" face?
(What's your cooking disaster?)
Update: This is what I was supposed to use:
Yes, this picture was posed, obviously, but why do I look like such a crazy woman??? Could it be my hormones and being that close to a entire jar of chocolate? I have crazy woman eyes.
Since I started doing this blogging thing I've noticed other bloggers play little games with each other and I was feeling a little left out until Mandy from Home With Mandy tagged me. I'm so excited because now I feel like a true blogger amongst bloggers. The way this works is that I have to tell 7 random or weird things about myself, which was extremely hard because I'm pretty much an open book already so I had to dig deep. Then after my 7 random or weird thoughts, I have to pick 7 other bloggers and tag them. So here ya go:
They said weird so the last one definitely qualifies as weird and gross.
So there you go, this was really hard because everybody knows so much about me already. I need to tag 7 other blogs. This was also hard because I'm new to the blogger world but I'm going to take a stab at it. All the ones I picked are very new as well, so this should be interesting. So here ya go:
Click on their names and it will take you to their blogs. I would have tagged Jen Ragan, but Mandy tagged her on our food blog...go check it out at j&j Dish It Out. All of you guys, here's the rules...Have FUN!
Me: Daddy's coming home.
Luke: Why?
Me: Because he's coming home to help mommy take care of you.
Luke: I don't need anyone to take care of me.
Me: What do you mean you don't need anyone to take care of you?
Luke: Well, I'm not sick.
Me: Well you still need someone to keep an eye on you.
Luke: No I don't.
How do you like the Horse's Butt in the background?
How fitting.