Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Has it really been 6 months????

Memorial, 2011. They are getting BIG! This is Dylan's first time wearing a suit. He was so excited to look like Daddy, Gavin and Luke.

Man, I'm so bummed I have let my blog go to pot. I don't keep a writing journal and this blog is the only way I can express myself and tell my kids about our adventures together. I'm sure they will love reading it when they get older. Making memories and writing them down. I think it's important. I will try to keep up again, but life has been SO busy lately and so much has happened and gone on in the last 6 months. I'm not even sure I can catch up. Let's start fresh!

In my usual character why don't I start by complaining...hahaha. I'm getting soooo worried about the hot weather that is upon on.
The last two days have been gorgeous. Why can't I just stop and enjoy them instead of worrying about how hot it's going to be in a matter of time.
I think I might actually try to do this sometime this summer. I have never done it to see if it really works. The kids would get a kick out of it if the egg actually fried.
I need to slow down, and smell the roses, so to speak.

These are from our backyard, they smelled awesome!
Two more weeks left of school...EEK!!! I have a love/hate relationship with school.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Yay! You wrote again. I came looking for you yesterday. I was just saying that I think Facebook has robbed me of much of my ability to focus and write. I always love reading your stories. Please keep it up. :)